Does it matter?
4 out of 5
Young Life participants consider Young Life and it's leaders to be a significant influence on their faith.
of volunteer leaders and staff with Young Life would overwhelmingly recommend their leadership experience to a friend.
Brian Shirak
Brian is a native West Virginian and has been on staff for over 10 years. He is married to his wife, Sarah, and have 6 children. Brian has his M.Div in Theological Studies and has a desire to see every person know that Jesus loves them deeply.
Marriah Durgin
High School Director
Marriah is born and raised in Morgantown. She was a volunteer leader for Young Life while she attended college at WVU. She is now on full time staff and is passionate about seeing students find true life in their Creator.
Zach Beckett
Middle School
Zach was born and raised in Cowen, WV. He went on Staff for Young Life after attending college at WVU. Zachis a leader at Mountaineer Middle School and wants to see guys grow into the full maturity of Christ in their lives.